The Basics git commands
Using Git as a Version control system is a lot like working with a normal project. You will still write code and store those in files and folders, only now you have access to a Git commands to manipulate those files. Quick Reference git init Create a Git repository in the current folder. git status […]
Normal Tcp States
Normal Connection Termination Client Server Start State Action Transitions To State Start State Action Transitions To State ESTABLISHED Client Close Step #1 Transmit: The application using TCP signals that the connection is no longer needed. The client TCP sends a segment with the FIN bit set to request that the connection be closed. FIN-WAIT-1 ESTABLISHED […]
Wireshark filters
1. CAPTURE FILTERS The capture filter syntax is the same as the one used by programs using the Lipcap (Linux) or Winpcap (Windows) library like the famous TCPdump. The capture filter must be set before launching the Wiershark capture, which is not the case for the display filters that can be modified at any time […]
Backup Your Entire Linux System Using Rsync
First, insert your backup medium (USB thumb drive or External hard disk). Then find the drive letter using ‘fdisk -l’ command. In my case, my Pen drive id is /dev/sdb1. Mount your drive to any location of your choice. I am going to mount it under /mnt. $ sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt To backup the […]
How to backup Linux OS using “dd” Command
“dd” command can be really handy when it comes to taking an Operating System backup to clone the disk the OS is installed on. Here are few examples of using dd command for taking OS backup. NOTE: The target drive must be either of identical size to the drive being cloned or larger. The dd […]
wbadmin backup
Wbadmin START BACKUP -backupTarget:\IP\J$ -allCritical –systemState To create wbadmin backup to network share including all critcal volumes, system state, and “chrun” folder in D:drive to network shared folder: Wbadmin start backup -allcritical -systemstate -include:D:\chrun -backuptarget:\networkshare\backup -quiet To create a scheduled backup job at 00:00 daily to the shared folder that can only be accessed with […]
Linux TCP_RTO_MIN, TCP_RTO_MAX and the tcp_retries2 sysctl
TCP retransmits an unacknowledged packet up to tcp_retries2 sysctl setting times (defaults to 15) using an exponential backoff timeout for which each retransmission timeout is between TCP_RTO_MIN (200 ms) and TCP_RTO_MAX (120 seconds). Once the 15th retry expires (by default), the TCP stack will notify the layers above (ie. app) of a broken connection. The […]
VIO Server Howto
1. Run IOS commands as root According to IBM you should never work as root on VIO servers. However, if you login as user padmin and type oem_setup_env you get the root credentials (without even been asked for a password). By default the ioscli commands are not available for the root user. All ioscli commands […]
Understanding calls to action
Get inside your customer’s head: A guide to writing irresistible calls to action Often, when we think of optimizing our call to action (CTA), we immediately think of landing page buttons and tweaking colors. However, your landing page CTA isn’t the only marketing CTA that matters. To get people to your landing page, you need […]
25 powershell command
1. Navigate the Windows Registry like the file system: cd hkcu: 2. Search recursively for a certain string within files: dir –r | select string “searchforthis” 3. Find the five processes using the most memory: ps | sort –p ws | select –last 5 4. Cycle a service (stop, and then restart it) like DHCP: […]